Dream on the Silk Road -- a long journey to Qinghai Lake
Release time: 2019.07.24 | Source: Palladium

The trip to Qinghai Lake finally started. What surprises did the week-long trip to the northwest bring to the little friends? Let's have a look!

Where do you travel with falling flowers and smile into Hu Ji's wine shop

When the plane landed, it was dusk when we arrived in Lanzhou. After a short rest in the hotel, we walked to Zhongshan Bridge. The red neon lights on the Zhongshan Bridge at night make people feel like they are in the downtown of the south. The difference is that the Yellow River flows under the bridge.

I have to admit that the gas field of the Yellow River is strong. The river is completely different from the Huangpu River. The unique turbid power of the Yellow River is daunting.

Thar temple | pure gorgeous color, no flashy heart

The most impressive thing about thar temple is its color.

Bright red, yellow, blue and green are used incisively and vividly. Such bright colors are always easy to appear gaudy when stacked together, but these colors in thar temple not only do not show tackiness, but make people feel pure.

Those buildings are scattered, orderly, complex or simple, which reflect the piety of believers everywhere. The inner heart is often conveyed by external things. When they come to Ta'er temple, their partners receive this intention and piety. All buildings of Ta'er temple are the external expression of faith in the hearts of believers.

Babaoruyi pagoda is the most representative building of thar temple. The eight pagodas painted in various colors stand in the most prominent square in front of thar temple. It is said that the eight pagodas were built because of Sakyamuni's eight merits.

Qinghai Lake  | The most beautiful is that casual glance

This time, I came to erlangjian scenic spot, a famous scenic spot of Qinghai Lake

The weather of Qinghai Lake in June was cloudy and sunny. When we came to the lake, the sky was haze. The lake area was very large. At a glance, there was an illusion of sea.

▽ five color prayer flags, prayer cones and manidui are all over the lake and the pass.

Blue symbolizes the sky, white symbolizes white clouds, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes green water, and yellow symbolizes loess earth. People who tie prayer flags believe that when the wind blows over the prayer flags, it is equivalent to reading the Scriptures above. Therefore, where the wind is strong, there will be prayer flags.

▽ in the evening, watch the sunset and the afterglow flickering and disappearing on the lake, as if the world really fell asleep.

Watch the sunrise the next day~

Later, I found that I could see the outline of Qinghai Lake from a distance and the blue at the end of the horizon. If I didn't look carefully, I thought it was the sky.

Although the grass is not green and the rape flower has not been found, the little friends are still full of expectations for the holy water.

Sitting in the car, yaks, sheep, snow peaks and grasslands in the Qilian Mountains pass one by one in front of us. We seem to take the train of time and count the four seasons.

Chaka Salt Lake is only you between heaven and earth

Finally, I came to Chaka Salt Lake, the heavyweight scenic spot of this trip.

The small train by the lake walked slowly, and the tourists in the distance posed to leave a memorial.

"Tea card" means salt pond in Tibetan. The blue sky is reflected on the extremely clear Chaka Salt Lake. It is boundless. I can't tell where is the end of the lake and where is the end of the sky. Such a Chinese version of "the land of the sky" was rated as one of the 55 places that must be visited in life by the National Tourism Geography Magazine.

At noon, everything was just right in the sky. ▽

Although the sky is gloomy, the journey is perfect as long as there are small partners together!

Colorful Danxia | you are red romance

When you step off the sightseeing bus in the scenic spot and come to the colorful Danxia viewing platform, you feel it's worth it.

At this time, the Danxia landform and colored hills with a great sense of hierarchy are spreading in front of us. The colored lines stored on the mountain one after another are absolutely bright and visible to the naked eye.

Irregular mountains stretch far away, and the colors on the mountains are as rich as those painted by someone with a brush. The winding roads in the mountains are also specially painted red, which exists harmoniously in the colored hills.

Without the sunlight, the colorful Danxia in front of us is not as gorgeous as that in the promotional film. The Danxia on cloudy days shrouds in the light blue sky at night, showing another temperament, which is a fresh, elegant and non flirtatious beauty.

There is always love inside and outside Jiayuguan

As the first pass at the western end of the Ming Great Wall, it is not a lonely pass in the imagination, but a very clever project. There is a big square in the middle, surrounded by city walls and two small passes. Even if the enemy breaks through the first gate, it is difficult to break through the second and third gates, showing a tendency to catch turtles in a jar. In addition to the open wall and the dark wall, there are ditches under it. The Hun's war horses can't pass through and form a barrier against the enemy. Of course, there are no ditches now. I can only imagine the formation in those years.

The reputation of the most powerful pass in the world can be felt so vividly at every corner. When I left, I looked back and sighed: years have passed and Guan is still there.

Tourist practice: punch in before customs~

Mogao Grottoes are a lamentable priceless treasure

When you come to Dunhuang, you have to go to the Mogao Grottoes. And one of the must see Mogao Grottoes - the third floor.

There are clearly visible color murals on the walls outside the building, and a tall Buddha statue is in the building. The third floor is a wooden structure building. The color painted on the building body has been stained with the imprint of time. The old one is very delicious.

If the three storey building can let you enjoy the unique and wonderful murals, the nine storey building is not only the most colorful place in Mogao Grottoes, but also the representative building of Mogao Grottoes.

Clock in on the ninth floor

Different from other places we see, this building has a short history. The nine storey building was built during the period of the Republic of China, and now the red cornice was reinforced and repaired in the 1980s.

Then the little friends came to Yumen pass. Yumen pass is located at the westernmost end of Hexi corridor. Nowadays, the impression of the world on Yumen pass comes from Wang Zhihuan's sentence "the spring breeze does not pass Yumen pass", which has been spread for thousands of years. It is a foreign land outside the pass.

Yadan | Yadan devil city with wind erosion for thousands of years

If Jiayuguan in Mogao Grottoes is a human history, then the magical geological landform in Northwest China is a masterpiece left by nature. My friends came to Dunhuang World Geopark to see this amazing workmanship.

Yadan landform is a typical wind erosion landform. Different from Danxia landform, Yadan landform is formed by wind blowing and eroding the lacustrine deposit (the soil layer accumulated by dried lakes) or alluvial plain in arid areas.

Some landforms look like ancient castles. Coupled with the vast Gobi, the traffic is difficult and inconvenient. There are not many people who know this place. Occasionally, intruders can't turn out for a long time. Moreover, the bursts of strange screams when the wind blows past make the entrants afraid, and the devil city spread quietly.

There is no tree, no grass, and no trace of green. Under the continuous erosion of thousands of years of strong wind, the lower parts of mounds and hills are eroded by strong wind, forming a fragmented concave ridge and groove on the ground.

Mingsha mountain listens to the jingle of camel bells to find the dew in the desert

Palladium handsome male model town building! ▲

On the day when we came to Mingsha mountain, the sky was blue and the wind was strong. In front of us were continuous sand dunes, extending to the end of our sight.


In the overlapping desert, there is a crescent shaped spring. As long as you climb the top of the desert, you can see the full picture of the crescent spring.

Mingsha mountain and crescent moon spring are mythical places in the hearts of children. The clear spring surrounded by Sand Mountain is incredible, but it really exists in this land of Dunhuang.

For those who play coffee, it's not enough to just sigh about the magic of nature. They have to experience it personally. The most interesting thing is riding camels.

▽ swag is done

Proper Western blockbuster both visual sense ▲

Delicious food | forthright on the tip of the tongue

Feel the critical blow of Northwest cuisine! Different from the exquisite and small food in the south, the food in the North has an overwhelming visual impact.

Pasta with 12 points of various flavors ▽

Fancy afternoon tea ▽

Return to the bleak place

The blue waves of Qinghai Lake are rippling

The tea card is full of immortality

It is bold and unrestrained tenderness in the northwest

The grandeur and desolation of Yadan devil City

Red romance of Danxia landform

It is an endless treasure in the northwest

Ten thousand volumes of scriptures in Mogao Grottoes

Numerous murals

It is the cultural heritage of Northwest China

Here is rich and full, and everyone's 6-day trip to Qinghai Lake ended with satisfaction and admiration. It's not easy for everyone who is usually confined to work to escape the shackles of the city and come to the northwest to feel the rough and magnificent natural customs. I believe my friends can treasure this feeling of returning to nature. I'll see you next time~

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